.. _tuleap_installation_install_packages_tce: Install packages - Tuleap Community Edition =========================================== - **Install Tuleap repository** :: dnf install https://ci.tuleap.net/yum/tuleap/rhel/9/dev/x86_64/tuleap-community-release.rpm - **Install Tuleap** by running the following command: :: dnf install -y \ mysql-server \ tuleap \ tuleap-theme-burningparrot \ tuleap-theme-flamingparrot \ tuleap-plugin-agiledashboard \ tuleap-plugin-graphontrackers \ tuleap-plugin-git \ tuleap-plugin-hudson-git \ tuleap-plugin-pullrequest \ tuleap-plugin-gitlfs \ tuleap-plugin-document \ tuleap-plugin-onlyoffice \ tuleap-plugin-embed \ tuleap-plugin-gitlab \ tuleap-plugin-openidconnectclient \ tuleap-plugin-ldap You can install more plugins, see the whole list on the :ref:`plugin list page `. However you don't have to install all of them now. Start small and add them on the go.