
Release Name: 4.0.27

yum update tuleap-*

If you are running RHEL (or CentOs) >= 5.6, you are likely to get a error message about php53-common.
It's a known issue and it's solved by installing php-pecl-json package before running yum update
Changes: Version 4.0.27 (Friday, March 2nd 2012) == Bug Fix == * In project export details, display db host instead of front end server * Fix issue with search while wiki is fr_FR * Fix issue on mandatory reference in commit message (sla #494) == Enhancement == * Theme Tuleap 2.1: Official logo & colors. * Shrink homepage in Dawn theme * Rename 'Tracker' service into 'Tracker v3' (and disable it completly for new Tuleap install) ** For trackerv3, it can be customized into 'site-content/<lang>/project/' with key (project_admin_editservice, service_tracker_lbl_key) ** For trackerv5, it can be customized into 'plugins/tracker/site-content/<lang>/' with key (plugin_tracker, service_lbl_key) == Plugins == * New plugin: Agile Dashboard v0.4 DISCLAIMER: plugin in beta, do not use it on production servers. * Tracker v5.1.1 See separate ChangeLog. * GraphOnTrackerV5 v5.0 See separate ChangeLog. * Docman v2.24: See separate ChangeLog. * LDAP v3.12: See separate ChangeLog. * Git v2.1.1: See separate ChangeLog. == Development == * Fix issue in CI: lxc installation was missing yum repository generation


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