
Release Name: 5.0

yum update tuleap-*

If you are running RHEL (or CentOs) >= 5.6, you are likely to get a error message about php53-common.
It's a known issue and it's solved by installing php-pecl-json package before running yum update
Changes: Version 5.0 (Thursday, April 26th 2012) == Enhancement == * Improve default tuleap homepage and footer * Overall documentation update (replace screenshot, update archeological references, add new stuff). * Display site admin credentials at the end of the setup script == Bug fix == * Ensure NSCD and internal FS cache are properly flushed before doing something related to filesystem. Fix bugs related to directory ownership of users. * Fix sla #711 - Can't commit in CVS when the project is private. == Plugins == * AgileDashoard 0.13 * Cardwall v0.4 * Docman v2.25.3 * Git v2.4 * GraphOnTrackerv5 5.0.1 * Hudson v1.8 * IM v1.5.2 * RequestHelp v1.3.1 * Tracker 5.7.7 == Development == * Unit Tests: Add DSL like mock generator that allows to ease the readability of the tests: stub('someclass')->someMethod($arg1, $arg2, ...)->returns($someResult); * Move core tests to source root * Rename codendi_tools to tools * "Tests" plugin is now in /plugins but only manage display of tests (no longer embbed core tests * Add new class to manage graphical error message (based on STMicroelectronics works in branch #582)


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