
Release Name: 5.2


Changes: == Bug Fix == * Fix chart legend display (Contrib STMicroelectronics) * Fix ssh keys when no unix account: With Gitolite, it's possible to have a ssh key without having a unix account. However, the interface doesn't allow it. == Enhancement == * Refresh the default page for projects website * Update "IndicateurCodex" perl script to take git into account == Plugins == * Tracker: 5.7.29 * Cross tracker search no longer in lab mode. * On cross search view, when tree is filtered, display children of searched artifacts. * Add expand/collapse all on cross search & collapse by default. == Bug fix == * Update tracker templates by adding permissions on unused fields. * When a hierarchy is defined between 2 trackers, the linking between two artifacts is always done with respect of hierarchy (ie the artifact that belongs to the parent tracker will be updated to reference its son). * Fix issue with project renderer widget. * Make hierarchy more robust after deletion of trackers * fix sla #627: Default values are not taken into account for Select Boxes fields * Docman: 2.25.7 * Internal updates for FullTextSearch. See changelog & git repo for details. * Git: 2.6.2 * Allow to use gitphp-tuleap package. You may want to install gitphp-tuleap rpm package (v0.2.5) as well for test. This new version should improve performances on large repo. It will be the default viewer in a next Tuleap release. If so, you need to edit the plugin configuration and set: $gitphp_path = "/usr/share/gitphp-tuleap"; == Bug fix == * Fix display of git push project widget for non project admin (contrib STMicroelectronics). * Ldap: 3.15 == Bug fix == Several fixes thanks to Marc Dumais's investigation and report. * Fix first bind done to check connexion validity. If anonymous bind is disabled, all bind should be authenticated otherwise server can disable the connexion. * Makes non anonymous bind work with Python connector (used in viewvc). * Statistics: 0.18 * Possibility to change disk quota value for one project in order to be able to grant an exception to this project (contrib STMicroelectronics). * Now projects admins know the disk space distribution in her project's services (contrib STMicroelectronics). == Bug fix == * Fix rendering of quota as well as setting of quota when no configuration set (contrib STMicroelectronics). * Cardwall: 0.5.4 (BETA) * Display cardwall on top of a tracker (in agiledashboard for now) * Cardwall can now have a swimline to group things (for instance group all the tasks of a user story). * Agildashboard: 0.33 (BETA) * A cardwall can be set on top of a Plan. This allow to have a taskboard on top of a sprint. tasks are grouped by user stories and can be move in their own swimline. * Plannings can be edited and modified * Only one tracker can be selected as backlog for a given planning. == Bug fix == * Fix display issues on plan view (children were missing on backlog or plan parts). * FullTextSearch: 0.4 (BETA) * First version of search interface available through site admin * On document title/description update, update the corresponding index. == CLI == * Version 1.5.1 == Bug fix== * Fix warnings in frs getPackages == SOAP == * getProjectDiskStats: Returns the disk space distribution accross project's services. == Development == * Add bootstrap css for tabs and pills


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