
Release Name: 5.11


Changes: Tuleap 5.11 (Thursday, February 21st 2013) ======================================== Plugins ----------------------- ### agiledashboard 0.72 * Fix integration of search in follow-up comments and cross tracker search * Enhancement: first version of a systray * Delegate milestone building to each Pane * Fix bug: start date and end_date are displayed 2 times * Add css rules for avatars * Fix displaybug on milestone selector * Enhancement: displays start and end date of a sprint on the agile dashboard * Refactor rendering of AgileDashboard Panes * Enhancement: update the remaining effort on a story without leaving the agile dashboard ### cardwall 0.9.18 * Fix art #2604: can no longer administrate cardwall on top of tracker * correct display of empty cells in IE * Delegate milestone building to each Pane * Fix bug with multiple-assigned to on card editions * On cardwall, I can update who is assigned to a card without leaving the page * Autoload plugin * Refactor rendering of AgileDashboard Panes * Enhancement: update the remaining effort on a story without leaving the agile dashboard ### forumml 2.6.8 * Fix bugs #1868: tuleap-devel get posts from * Prevent SQL injection, escape input ### fulltextsearch 0.16 * Fix bugs #2600: FT indexing of TV5 follow-ups fails * Fix integration of search in follow-up comments and cross tracker search * Allow to search in tracker follow-up comments via Full Text Search Engine. This feature is in Beta and available only through Lab mode. (Contrib STMicroeletronics). ### git 2.7.26 * Fix regression introduced in git 2.7.24 * No longer need to pass a view to the tree strategy * Fix styling issue for various screen sizes * Do not migrate deleted repositories * Improve git URLs rendering and add contextual help ### graphontrackersv5 5.0.6 * This fix art #2192 - Cannot sort the Gantt renderer ### ldap 3.25 * Improve user experience with user group management (contrib STMicroelectronics) * Forbid login when user as an LDAP id but LDAP authentication failed * Development: add new hook to provide LDAP uid to other component of the application ### tests 5.16 * include mocha test suite ### tracker 5.88 * Fix bugs #2601 - Should not have to click twice in IE to choose the bind * Fix sla #2291: add help message on artifact csv import * Better display of html emails in outlook * Burndown field makes always use of capacity field when it exists * Fix art #2513: PHP Fatal error: Class 'TreeNode' not found * Improve user experience with user group management (contrib STMicroelectronics) * Fix missing closing tag that broke layout * Fix integration of search in follow-up comments and cross tracker search * Enhancement: capacity field can be used to force the start of the burndown ideal line * Allow to search in tracker follow-up comments via Full Text Search Engine. This feature is in Beta and available only through Lab mode. (Contrib STMicroeletronics). == Development == * Allow to update artifact from an Ajax request * Retreive list of values of a list through an Ajax Call * Enhancement: displays start and end date of a sprint on the agile dashboard * Fix for story #2223 - Retrieve my default fields value after tracker migration. * Add missing Codendi_HTTPPurifier include * Refactor rendering of AgileDashboard Panes * Enhancement: update the remaining effort on a story without leaving the agile dashboard * Display burndown icon on AD homepage Enhancement ----------------------- * Let the admin choose if the privacy of a project should be displayed (in widgets and in service bar) * Allow site to customize robots.txt * Fix for sla #2290: allow restricted users to search in trackers v3 Bug Fix ----------------------- * Add missing php53-process dependency for posix functions * Fix sla #813: Project administration page is distorded on IE when the custom notification message is long * Fix bug #2317: Fatal error on the AccessLogs * Fix sla #682 - Viewvc display issue for file which name contains "$" * Fix missing blank.gif that pollutate error_log * Fix footer link for Tuleap as well as copyright


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