
Release Name: 6.1

Tuleap 6.1 (Thursday, May 30th 2013)


    * story #3226: see "svn propset --revprop -r X svn:log" modifications in commit DB

Bug fixing

    * Fix XSS injection in Forums (contrib STMicroelectronics).


### agiledashboard 0.83

    * story #2923: Display dedicated planning pane in agiledashboard
    * Display a new 'Content' pane with the content of a given milestone
    * Refactoring: Better building of panes

### cardwall 0.9.32

    * Display a new 'Content' pane with the content of a given milestone
    * Fix request #2155: Tasks rearranging on the cardwall when clicking on a task

### docman 2.26.16

    * Fix XSS issue in docman (Contrib STMicroelectronics)

### forumml 2.6.12

    * Post new thread with interface in french (follow-up of bugs #1184 and branch #1428)

### git 3.22

    * Fix bugs #3576: fix js crying on git service homepage
    * Fix bugs #3573: CI: get an error message if no git trigger selected
    * story #3318: be owner of all gerrit groups created for my project
    * bugs #3244 - Read permission to Registered Users is not propagated to Gerrit
    * Fixing bug that generates error message and calls wrong code when changing git repository settings.

### ldap 3.30

    * Fix art #3535 - Apache authentication fails with Active Directory

### tracker 5.126

    * story #2923: Display dedicated planning pane in agiledashboard
    * Fix request #2722 - Date filtering does not work properly
    * Fix sla #3404: Stored XSS Vulnerability in Public Areas widget (Contrib STMicroelectronics)
    * Display a new 'Content' pane with the content of a given milestone
    * Fix request #3182: Decorators are correctly removed from database


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