
Release Name: 6.8

Tuleap 6.8 (Thursday, December 12th 2013)
### agiledashboard 1.26
    * Fix some glitches in existing API REST
    * Add GET, OPTIONS and PUT routes for projects/:id/backlog
    * story #5589: read a meaningful api documentation
    * story #5585: Add GET, OPTIONS and PUT routes for milestones/:id/backlog
    * Add OPTION, GET and PUT REST routes for milestones/:id/content
    * story #5331 - user sees only artifacts he has submitted in a tracker
    * Add GET, OPTIONS route for milestones/:id/content
    * Add GET and OPTIONS route for projects/:id/milestones
    * story #5589: improve the REST documentation in the explorer
    * Fix request #5533: Bug not displayed in a report filtered by milestone
    * story #5577: have CORS headers in REST responses.
### git 3.61
    * Fix lang typo
    * request #5704 - Pushing GIT repo take a very long time
    * First step fix request #5684 - Uncatched exception when running git push
    * Tiny improvements on gerrit's templates UI
    * Fix request #5713 - Gerrit user provisionning doesn't work with MySQL backend
    * story #5663 - be able to delete Gerrit templates
    * story #4949 - Configure a new gerrit permission template
    * story #4959 - Get Gerrit migration to remove special rights attributed to Administrators group
### mediawiki 0.21
    * Right colors for internal mediawiki links.
    * Fix request #5586 - Search no longer available in mediawiki
### statistics 0.34
    * Fix request #3262: Jean Pierre Graph font configuration fails on centos6
### tests 5.20

    * Add OPTION, GET and PUT REST routes for milestones/:id/content

### tracker 5.205

    * Fix request #5733 - Chosen format for text fields is lost on artifact update
    * fix request #5558 - Links not extracted in read-only view
    * Fix hasChanges() on text fields
    * Notification about artifact modification is sent to user only if necessary
    * Fix some glitches in existing API REST
    * Revert "Notification is sent only if necessary. It means that if no comment, the user must have read access on at least one updated field."
    * Artifact notification is sent only if necessary
    * Fix request 6185: Users cannot edit couple of artifacts after the upgrade
    * Fix request #5700 - Text fields are cleared when condition is unmet
    * Fix request #5698: remove "None" from recipients
    * Fix request #5699: Cannot delete artifacts in Tuleap 6.7
    * story #5589: read a meaningful api documentation
    * story #5585: Add GET, OPTIONS and PUT routes for milestones/:id/backlog
    * Add OPTION, GET and PUT REST routes for milestones/:id/content
    * story #5331 - user sees only artifacts he has submitted in a tracker
    * Fix namespace error on /artifacts/:id routes
    * Add GET and OPTIONS route for projects/:id/trackers
    * story #5589: improve the REST documentation in the explorer
    * Fix request #5533: Bug not displayed in a report filtered by milestone
    * story #5577: have CORS headers in REST responses.

### tracker_date_reminder 1.2.7

    * fix request #5554: Cannot select CSV preference in use prefs page

Bug Fix

    * Fix request #5721: REST API tests are broken
    * Fix request #5641: Experimental theme show more projets than mine in "Projects" menu
    * Fix request #3468: [CentOS 6] SELinux forbids apache to send emails
    * Fix request #3467: [CentOS6] error setting SELinux context in
    * Fix request #5604: ViewVC download broken when file start with 0x00
    * Fix XSS vulnerabilities on bookmarks
    * Fix request #3262: Jean Pierre Graph font configuration fails on centos6


    * story #5580: Add GET and OPTIONS route for projects/:id/milestones
    * story #5582: Add GET and OPTIONS route for projects/:id/trackers
    * story #5584: Add GET, OPTIONS route for milestones/:id/content
    * story #5579: Add GET, OPTIONS and PUT routes for projects/:id/backlog


    * Experimental: 0.5


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