      epic #39702 Multiple queries per widget
    Multiple queries per widget
    Cross tracker search


    As of Tuleap 16.0, cross tracker search widget displays the TQL query by default. Unless reader perfectly understands TQL, it's quite hard to tell what is displayed and even for those who master TQL, it's inconvenient to read to remember what the query covers. The current alternative is to place the widget in a dashboard with a descriptive name.

    In order to improve the user experience in this area, we associate a name and a description to the query. The name will be displayed by default instead of the whole query.

    We also want to leverage on the feedback we have on the usage of reports in trackers. The main problems are that

    • People don't understand they are seeing a filtered view of their artifacts.

    • People don't understand there are multiple filters (reports) and they can switch from one to another.

    • The term "report" itself seems confusing.

    In the context of Cross Tracker Search widget, we are going to use the term "Query" to designate the search that is done. A Query is made of

    • a TQL query

    • a title

    • a description (optional)

    Multiple Queries

    A widget can have several queries, when there are multiple queries, the widget owner can select the one that is run by default.

    Creating queries

    When creating a new query, the widget owner can either

    • write the full TQL directly

    • or select a query proposed by Tuleap.

      • For Project widgets, there are three queries proposed

        • All open artifacts

        • Open artifacts assigned to me

        • All artifacts created in the last 10 days

      • For Personal widgets

        • Open artifacts assigned to me in my projects

    Copy queries

    Unlike Tracker Reports, it will not be possible to have personal queries on a project widget. If a user sees a query on a project dashboard and want to modify it, they have the possibility to clone the widget in their personal dashboard.

    It's possible to do

    • Copy widget from project A to project B

    • Copy widget from project A to personal dashboard

    • Copy widget from personal dashboard to project A

    • Copy query from widget X to widget Y

    When the copy is done, the queries are copied "as is" and might need customization to work in the new context

    TQL upgrades

    As it's possible to to copy queries across widgets (project -> user, user -> project) we need to upgrade aggregated to be able to run a query on aggregated in personal context (not possible today).

    The keyword aggregated will have a companion "function" AGGREGATED() that could take a parameter to make it usable elsewhere (AGGREGATED('guinea-pig')). SELF() is added too to make it consistent. Usage of aggregated and self keyword is deprecated (in documentation and in various examples).

    2025-03-26 (39 working days)
    On going
    Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
    2025-02-13 14:15
    2024-09-24 11:01


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    Kevin Traini (ktraini)2024-09-24 15:40
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