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feat: ATF field is not mandatory to use it in XTS

Closes request #39368 Always there field existence is not mandatory to use it in XTS TQL Until now, to use an always there field in the condition of your query, your trackers must have this field defined. In a way it breaks the fact that the field is 'always there'. So now if the field doesn't exist, we keep the tracker. But if the field exists we check the permissions on it. *Testing:* - If your tracker doesn't have the field you should be able to query on it - If your tracker has the field, it depends on the permissions of the field Change-Id: I94a27715850d2a7f28b33cc743a3ea391e491145

Modified Files

M plugins/crosstracker/include/CrossTracker/Report/Query/Advanced/QueryBuilder/Metadata/MetadataFromWhereBuilder.php +6 −2 Go to diff View file
M plugins/crosstracker/include/CrossTracker/Report/Query/Advanced/QueryValidation/Metadata/MetadataUsageChecker.php +4 −1 Go to diff View file
M plugins/crosstracker/tests/integration/CrossTracker/Report/Query/Advanced/From/FromProjectAggregatedTest.php +0 −4 Go to diff View file
M plugins/crosstracker/tests/integration/CrossTracker/Report/Query/Advanced/From/FromProjectTest.php +0 −7 Go to diff View file
M plugins/crosstracker/tests/integration/CrossTracker/Report/Query/Advanced/From/FromTrackerTest.php +0 −7 Go to diff View file
M plugins/crosstracker/tests/integration/CrossTracker/Report/Query/Advanced/Metadata/ArtifactIdMetadataTest.php +2 −15 Go to diff View file
M plugins/crosstracker/tests/integration/CrossTracker/Report/Query/Advanced/Metadata/LastUpdateByMetadataTest.php +2 −16 Go to diff View file
M plugins/crosstracker/tests/integration/CrossTracker/Report/Query/Advanced/Metadata/LastUpdateDateMetadataTest.php +2 −16 Go to diff View file
M plugins/crosstracker/tests/integration/CrossTracker/Report/Query/Advanced/Metadata/SubmittedByMetadataTest.php +2 −16 Go to diff View file
M plugins/crosstracker/tests/integration/CrossTracker/Report/Query/Advanced/Metadata/SubmittedOnMetadataTest.php +2 −16 Go to diff View file
M plugins/crosstracker/tests/unit/CrossTracker/Report/Query/Advanced/QueryValidation/Metadata/MetadataUsageCheckerTest.php +2 −21 Go to diff View file