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fix: User list fields can have user 100 in database

Part of story #38310 Choose my own columns based on field name (lists) For multi select box and checkbox no values is stored as value 100 in database, or 100 is user None so when we get user list we get this user but we should not. To avoid array -> object conversion when json_encoding API result, add use of array_values on each list representation *Testing:* Have a tracker with a multi select box bind to users and in an artifact left this field empty. If you select on this field in your XTS widget the API return should be empty for this field Change-Id: I3c07d5617c2c789e3507ad3d45e1ea43c658bcd2

Modified Files

M plugins/crosstracker/include/CrossTracker/Report/Query/Advanced/ResultBuilder/Field/UserList/UserListResultBuilder.php +4 −0 Go to diff View file
M plugins/crosstracker/include/CrossTracker/Report/Query/Advanced/ResultBuilder/Metadata/Semantic/AssignedTo/AssignedToResultBuilder.php +2 −1 Go to diff View file
M plugins/crosstracker/include/CrossTracker/Report/Query/Advanced/ResultBuilder/Representations/StaticListRepresentation.php +2 −2 Go to diff View file
M plugins/crosstracker/include/CrossTracker/Report/Query/Advanced/ResultBuilder/Representations/UGroupListRepresentation.php +2 −2 Go to diff View file
M plugins/crosstracker/include/CrossTracker/Report/Query/Advanced/ResultBuilder/Representations/UserListRepresentation.php +2 −2 Go to diff View file