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fix: CCE user cannot update artifact sometimes

How to reproduce: Have an artifact A with a comment containing a cross reference to another artifact B like `See art #123`. In the tracker of the artifact A, upload a Custom Code Execution module in the administration. There is an example module if you need one: ``` cd plugins/tracker_cce/wasm_modules/post-action-add-comment nix-shell cargo build --target wasm32-wasi --release ``` Then you can upload the generated file: `plugins/tracker_cce/wasm_modules/post-action-add-comment/target/wasm32-wasi/release/post-action-add-comment.wasm` The example module take an integer field `field_a`, an integer field `field_b`, and fill a text field `field_sum`. You will need them for the test. Or use your own module. Now update the artifact A. The (async) execution of the module should be a success and a new comment is added to the artifact by CCE user. Closes request #35862: Artifact userCanView not properly cached Part of story #35093: execute custom code as artifact post action Change-Id: Id08ce6570c1dd2c7ebedcd70339f9d9d6b008d58

Modified Files

M plugins/agiledashboard/tests/unit/AgileDashboard/Milestone/Sidebar/PromotedMilestoneBuilderTest.php +2 −2 Go to diff View file
M plugins/agiledashboard/tests/unit/AgileDashboard/Planning/MilestoneFactoryGetBareMilestoneByArtifactIdTest.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M plugins/agiledashboard/tests/unit/AgileDashboard/Planning/MilestoneFactoryGetMilestoneTest.php +5 −5 Go to diff View file
M plugins/agiledashboard/tests/unit/AgileDashboard/Planning/MilestoneFactoryGetPaginatedMilestonesTest.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M plugins/agiledashboard/tests/unit/AgileDashboard/Planning/MilestoneFactoryGetTopMilestonesTest.php +3 −3 Go to diff View file
M plugins/agiledashboard/tests/unit/AgileDashboard/Planning/MilestoneFactoryTest.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M plugins/roadmap/tests/unit/Roadmap/REST/v1/IterationsRetrieverTest.php +6 −6 Go to diff View file
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A plugins/tracker/tests/unit/Tracker/Artifact/ArtifactTest.php +45 −0 Go to diff View file
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M plugins/tracker/tests/unit/Tracker/Semantic/Timeframe/TimeframeWithEndDateTest.php +4 −4 Go to diff View file