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feat: Do not display artidoc in legacy docman ui

We don't want to support "other type" of documents in the legacy interface (that must die). In order to test this you must enable the legacy interface first: ``` tuleap config-set feature_flag_allow_temporary_access_to_old_ui_that_will_be_removed_soon <project_id> ``` Part of story #37542: display a read only Document Change-Id: I2ee5044edbf578c5b9e40a5473d73a2b64819ad3

Modified Files

M plugins/docman/include/Docman_ItemDao.class.php +11 −0 Go to diff View file
M plugins/docman/include/view/Docman_View_ItemTreeUlVisitor.class.php +2 −1 Go to diff View file