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Fix request #31159 Tracker report with named links with field name that contains a number doesn't work

On a table report, when selecting a field to customize the artlink field value that contains a number or a '-', then an error is displayed saying that the result cannot be formatted. How to test ----------- * Given a tracker A with a field name rap1 * And an artifact A1 with in A that have a value for rap1 * And a tracker B with an artifact B1 that is linked to A1 => When a table report on B displays named links configured with %rap1, the result must be well displayed Change-Id: I43eb6ec7a043859d9e8afb6a72997e54940eca17

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M plugins/tracker/include/Tracker/FormElement/Field/ArtifactLink/Type/CustomColumn/ValueFormatter.php +2 −2 Go to diff View file