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Visual indicator about activity in select tests modal

Given you have lot of tests (1000 tests is a good start): When you open the [select tests] modal in TTM campaign Then you should have a visual indicator that tests are loading. => table skeleton is displayed => submit button is disabled => report selectbox is disabled When you preselect tests based on a report Then you should have a visual indicator that tests are being selected. => spinner is displayed instead of (pseudo)checkboxes for each test/category While this does not fix the performance issue, it helps the user to understand that something is happening instead of wondering if the app is doing something or has just crashed (particulary true when you have very many tests). Fix request #19314: Visual indicator about activity in select tests modal Change-Id: I16ef95c16e25bfa5de7df12ac0aff01e2020eff8

Modified Files

M plugins/testmanagement/scripts/testmanagement/src/campaign/campaign-edit-controller.js +7 −0 Go to diff View file
M plugins/testmanagement/scripts/testmanagement/src/campaign/campaign-edit.tpl.html +27 −6 Go to diff View file
M plugins/testmanagement/themes/BurningParrot/css/includes/_campaign.scss +4 −6 Go to diff View file