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x-pagination-size should display the number of available backlog items in milestones/$id/backlog with query

This is part of request #16146 All artifacts linked to a release are not displayed in Project Milestones In route rest milestones/$id/backlog with the query '{"status":"all"}', the pagination-size is not good. Currently it's displayed the number of returned artifacts instead of the number of available artifacts. How to test: - Use route rest milestones/$id/backlog with the query '{"status":"all"}' Expected results: - The pagination size is the number of available artifacts. Change-Id: I493d854254fb00220dc833ce600af128e9f94c68

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M plugins/agiledashboard/include/AgileDashboard/BacklogItem/PaginatedBacklogItemsRepresentationsBuilder.class.php +1 −3 Go to diff View file