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fix: implement request #34337 Do not forbid inactivation of services

How to test: - Forge your DB and enable both Program and Backlog services in the same project. - Go to Project Admin > Services. When you edit Backlog and Program services, the checkbox should be active and can be changed. There should be no warning message. - Deactivate one of them, and edit again. The warning telling you that "you cannot activate Backlog because Program is active" (and vice-versa) should be shown again. The checkbox should be disabled. - No functional change on the activation of Test Management service. It cannot be activated if the Covered by system type is disabled for the project. - No functional change on the activation of Mediawiki standalone service. Change-Id: Ie599be775d2230af7f37587679f55a4b13a3bc2d

Modified Files

M plugins/testmanagement/include/testmanagementPlugin.php +0 −6 Go to diff View file
M src/common/Project/ServiceManager.class.php +10 −8 Go to diff View file
A src/scripts/project-services/src/components/Service/ServiceIsUsed.test.js +79 −0 Go to diff View file
M src/scripts/project-services/src/components/Service/ServiceIsUsed.vue +6 −2 Go to diff View file