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feat(svn): Do not recompute project groups

The default block of a project was computed twice per repository, one when permission are read and once when the SVNAccessFile is dumped. Worst, when all the repositories of a project where dumped, the default block (that is common to all repositories of one project) was recomputed (twice...) for each of them. Let's compute it once for the project and call it a day. With this patch, computing the SVNAccessFile for all repositories of a project drops from 52s down to 4s. Part of: request #28892 Updating SVNAccessFile on very big projects is very time consuming Change-Id: Ic1acd0d3c9b585fac86b51c53ea01bdd276dd0cf

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M src/common/backend/BackendSVN.class.php +8 −7 Go to diff View file