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chore: Unit test invalid comparisons and values for float

part of story #10710 search on fields with duck typing No functional change. Unit tests should pass. Why? This will help us refactor the architecture of the invalid checks. We want to transition away from the current state where validation is grouped by comparison type (equals, lesser than, etc.). We want to group it by field type instead, as it is easier to understand. Most of the time, we work "field by field", so it makes more sense to have all the business rules for a given field in a few files, instead of having all the business rules for "equals" comparison being grouped together. Change-Id: I1c051814b7b8f07d70426eb74e4402cc021b408b

Modified Files

M plugins/tracker/tests/unit/Tracker/Report/Query/Advanced/InvalidSearchablesCollectorVisitorTest.php +76 −2 Go to diff View file