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Remove wrong usage of $Language->getText for Fieldset labels

The internationalization of labels of fieldsets comes from legacy tv3. This must be kept since some trackers may have been migrated from this legacy system. The same mechanism was used also in tv3 but I suggest to not fix the bad usage in them since tv3 will be removed in a few months. The tool to detect bad usage is launch with the following command: php $HOME/tab2gettext/index.php broken-gettext-usage --src-dir $HOME/tuleap Part of request #14706: Decrease count of bad usages of Language->getText() Change-Id: Id5192eddabe84f804e323514b81ab55ffc750b48

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M plugins/tracker/include/Tracker/FormElement/Tracker_FormElement_Container_Fieldset.class.php +36 −24 Go to diff View file