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fix: Unselecting trackers should be accessible by keyboard

part of story #38263 Choose my own columns based on field name (numeric,text, dates) How to test: - In cross-tracker search widget, as project admin, after clicking on the widget, you can select trackers. The badge that shows a selected tracker now has a button (instead of just an icon) to remove said tracker from the selection. This button should be accessible by navigation with TAB. It should be possible to unselect trackers using the keyboard alone: press enter or space when the unselect button is focused. - Same scenario for timetracking overview widget. - No functional change expected for lazybox with multiple values. Change-Id: I2e18bedfc385209dbd72ec7f6eaacee6df638850

Modified Files

M lib/frontend/lazybox/src/selection/SelectionBadge.ts +1 −3 Go to diff View file
M lib/frontend/lazybox/src/selection/selection-badge.scss +1 −17 Go to diff View file
M lib/frontend/tlp-badge/package.json +2 −4 Go to diff View file
A lib/frontend/tlp-badge/themes/badge-with-remove-button.scss +47 −0 Go to diff View file
M plugins/crosstracker/scripts/cross-tracker/package.json +1 −0 Go to diff View file
M plugins/crosstracker/scripts/cross-tracker/pnpm-lock.yaml +3 −0 Go to diff View file
M plugins/crosstracker/scripts/cross-tracker/src/writing-mode/TrackerListWritingMode.test.ts +2 −1 Go to diff View file
M plugins/crosstracker/scripts/cross-tracker/src/writing-mode/TrackerListWritingMode.vue +12 −17 Go to diff View file
M plugins/crosstracker/scripts/cross-tracker/src/writing-mode/__snapshots__/TrackerListWritingMode.test.ts.snap +34 −36 Go to diff View file
M plugins/crosstracker/scripts/cross-tracker/themes/_writing-mode.scss +10 −17 Go to diff View file
M plugins/crosstracker/scripts/cross-tracker/themes/cross-tracker.scss +3 −2 Go to diff View file
M plugins/timetracking/scripts/timetracking-overview-widget/package.json +1 −0 Go to diff View file
M plugins/timetracking/scripts/timetracking-overview-widget/pnpm-lock.yaml +3 −0 Go to diff View file
M plugins/timetracking/scripts/timetracking-overview-widget/src/components/writing-mode/TimeTrackingOverviewTrackerList.vue +12 −15 Go to diff View file
M plugins/timetracking/scripts/timetracking-overview-widget/themes/style.scss +6 −9 Go to diff View file