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request #9707 Fatal error when access to an agiledashboard of a deleted project with plateform admin

To reproduce: Given a project with Agiledashboard enabled, Delete the project, access to project and agiledashboard service with site administrator, a fatal error is thrown: Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Project_NotFoundException' in /usr/share/tuleap/src/common/project/ProjectManager.class.php on line 143 ( ! ) Project_NotFoundException: in /usr/share/tuleap/src/common/project/ProjectManager.class.php on line 143 Change-Id: Icb37f46bf4a2f85603a42c92756c6aeec64fc988

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M plugins/agiledashboard/include/agiledashboardPlugin.class.php +15 −1 Go to diff View file