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feat: Build only docs for design system website

part of request #37211 Replace TLP-doc documentation How to test: 1. Build Storybook content with `TURBO_LOG_ORDER=grouped pnpm turbo run build-storybook --no-daemon --filter=@tuleap/tlp-doc-v2` 2. Build and start the Docker image with `docker load < $(nix-build --no-out-link ./src/scripts/tlp-doc-v2/container-image.nix) && docker run --rm -p tlp-doc-v2` 3. Go to 4. The sidebar features only the MDX documentation of the components, the stories are not included anymore. Why? There is no demand for Stories themselves to be exposed on the public documentation. It's actually the docs using the stories that are meant to be published. We could add the stories later if the need arises. Stories can still be accessed and used locally by developers, where they are most useful (fast feedback loop). Change-Id: Ia217d0a61d385a1c0973a3246e70690e067fd612

Modified Files

M src/scripts/tlp-doc-v2/package.json +1 −2 Go to diff View file