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request #18360: Keep formatting when switching between text and html formats

Go to a tracker artifact, edit a text field that is containing some html formatting (list, headings, …). Switch the format to text => the textarea does not contain html tag soup. Switch back to html => the WYSIWYG editor does not contain the text on one line only like it was before. Thanks to the intermediate markdown format, the formatting is kept. This is useful when you start to right your answer in text format and realize that you will need more formatting. Before that, switching to html format was producing garbage, you had to copy the text beforehand. Please note that this contribution does not fix all issues. For example if you dragndrop an image in HTML format and switch to text format, then the text will contain a reference to the image that cannot be exploited, just like before when the text was containing <img> tag. This issue will be managed properly with the introduction of the upcoming Markdown editor. Change-Id: I80f25efc28b36377c7da1e51f058743bdeacfb15

Modified Files

M src/package-lock.json +18 −0 Go to diff View file
M src/package.json +2 −0 Go to diff View file
M src/scripts/codendi/RichTextEditor.js +8 −0 Go to diff View file