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feat: Show merge warnings and errors to everyone

Implements request #38640 Pull request overview should inform about potential merge conflicts How to test: - prepare several pull requests. You can forge the merge_status column in the plugin_pullrequest_review DB table for easier repro. Prepare one pull request whose merge status is unknown (merge_status = 0), another that is no fast-forward (merge_status = 1), another that has conflicts (merge_status = 3). - prepare a broken pull request. You can forge the status (broken = 2) in the plugin_pullrequest_git_reference DB table. - As git administrator, set up the git repository so that only project administrator has write access. - As a regular user, go to the overview screen of each pull request. You should never see the Merge button. You should see the warnings and danger alerts. - As git administrator, go to Settings > Pull requests and allow only fast-forward merge. - As a regular user, you should see a warning for the pull request with merge_status = 1. Why? The errors and warnings should be visible for regular users pushing pull requests, so that they can do something about it, instead of only showing them to people that are able to merge. Change-Id: Id5accc8e868658b4f1608097c61d8e38a4eeb082

Modified Files

M plugins/pullrequest/scripts/pullrequest-overview/po/fr_FR.po +24 −24 Go to diff View file
M plugins/pullrequest/scripts/pullrequest-overview/src/components/Actions/PullRequestChangeStateActions.test.ts +0 −28 Go to diff View file
M plugins/pullrequest/scripts/pullrequest-overview/src/components/Actions/PullRequestChangeStateActions.vue +3 −14 Go to diff View file