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request #17914 allow ttm to browse nested testsuite

Actualy, the automated test update will only browse the first testsuite tag. We want to allow it to browse all the nested testsuite to check test cases. To test, use the rest route PATCH /testmanagement_campaigns/{id} with a xml like <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <testsuites name="fake test" time="13" tests="1" failures="0"> <testsuite name="Testsuite" timestamp="2020-04-29T07:52:25" tests="1" failures="3" time="6"> <testsuite name="Testsuite2" timestamp="2020-04-29T07:52:25" tests="1" failures="0" time="6"> <testcase name="automated2" time="6.105" classname="Project administrator can start Kanban"> <failure>c'estlamerde</failure> </testcase> <testcase name="automated3" time="6.105" classname="Project administrator can start Kanban"> <failure>c'estlamerde</failure> </testcase> <testcase name="automated4" time="6.105" classname="Project administrator can start Kanban"> <failure>c'estlamerde</failure> </testcase> </testsuite> </testsuite> </testsuites> Change-Id: I1227db2a13b55cabeaa382dffbab5e30fe3249db

Modified Files

M plugins/testmanagement/include/TestManagement/REST/v1/TestsDataJUnitExtraction/TestsDataFromJunitExtractor.php +8 −0 Go to diff View file
M plugins/testmanagement/tests/unit/TestManagement/REST/TestsDataFromJunitExtractorTest.php +33 −3 Go to diff View file