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Fix creation of children in cardwall

This is part of story #9090 have computed fields compatible with artifact links v2 How to test this: Given a User story tracker with a _required_ computed field and given a hierarchy as follows: User Story `-- Tasks Given an existing User story US in a Cardwall (e.g. a Sprint cardwall), When I create a new Task that should be linked to that User Story Then the task should be created and correctly linked to US Without this patch, the task will be created but will have a silent error and won't be linked to US because of the required computed field. This fix also has an impact on copy artifact please note like other field, when no value is provided the field is set to default value (autocomputed) Change-Id: I12bf8b067ade509364b479d4f608ae635273257a

Modified Files

M plugins/tracker/include/Tracker/FormElement/Tracker_FormElement_Field_Computed.class.php +27 −4 Go to diff View file
M plugins/tracker/include/Tracker/XML/Updater/FieldChange/FieldChangeComputedXMLUpdater.php +2 −0 Go to diff View file
M plugins/tracker/tests/Tracker/XML/Updater/FieldChange/FieldChangeComputedXMLUpdaterTest.php +17 −0 Go to diff View file
M plugins/tracker/tests/Tracker_FormElement_Field_ComputedTest.php +86 −1 Go to diff View file