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feat: Use buttons for pagination

part of request #37211 Replace TLP-doc documentation How to test: - pnpm --filter=tlp-doc-v2 run storybook - In TLP > Structure & Navigation > Pagination, the Pagination story now has controls to change the current page & total, with the side-effect of enabling or disabling the buttons. It now uses buttons instead of <a> tags. Why? - Buttons are better handled by accessibility tools such as screen readers. They are also easier to use by people using keyboards. - The button titles are now "First" / "Last" to better convey the notion of ordering. Change-Id: I8676c8e17b4b35058e4cc67094ad0e7d554aedb1

Modified Files

M src/scripts/tlp-doc-v2/stories/TLP/structure/paginations/tlp-pagination.mdx +3 −1 Go to diff View file
M src/scripts/tlp-doc-v2/stories/TLP/structure/paginations/tlp-pagination.stories.ts +51 −25 Go to diff View file