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chore: Remove forumml plugin

Forumml has been announced EOL for Tuleap 15.0. It is time to clean up. Closes request #33976: ForumML EOL Change-Id: Ib7da07ce1a0cce3e81f01dea52daed26e405e6af

Modified Files

D plugins/forumml/.use-front-controller +0 −0 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/README.mkd +0 −11 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/TODO +0 −8 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/bin/mail2dbng.php +0 −49 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/build-manifest.json +0 −9 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/composer.json +0 −15 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/composer.lock +0 −104 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/db/install.sql +0 −85 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/db/uninstall.sql +0 −8 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/etc/ +0 −13 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/etc/sudoers.d/tuleap_plugin_forumml +0 −3 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/ForumML/CurrentListBreadcrumbCollectionBuilder.php +0 −87 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/ForumML/ListInfoFromVariables.php +0 −98 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/ForumML/ListInfoFromVariablesProvider.php +0 −129 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/ForumML/OneThread/AttachmentPresenter.php +0 −58 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/ForumML/OneThread/MessageInfo.php +0 −136 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/ForumML/OneThread/MessageInfoToMessagePresenterConvertor.php +0 −156 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/ForumML/OneThread/MessagePresenter.php +0 −87 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/ForumML/OneThread/OneThreadController.php +0 −126 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/ForumML/OneThread/OneThreadPresenter.php +0 −47 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/ForumML/OneThread/OneThreadPresenterBuilder.php +0 −248 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/ForumML/OneThread/Sender.php +0 −54 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/ForumML/OneThread/ThreadNotFoundException.php +0 −27 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/ForumML/Threads/ThreadInfoPresenter.php +0 −78 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/ForumML/Threads/ThreadsController.php +0 −133 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/ForumML/Threads/ThreadsPresenter.php +0 −81 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/ForumML/Threads/ThreadsPresenterBuilder.php +0 −180 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/ForumML/ThreadsDao.php +0 −240 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/ForumMLPluginDescriptor.class.php +0 −27 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/ForumMLPluginInfo.class.php +0 −29 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/ForumML_Attachment.class.php +0 −95 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/ForumML_AttachmentDao.class.php +0 −33 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/ForumML_FileStorage.class.php +0 −141 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/ForumML_HTMLPurifier.class.php +0 −106 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/ForumML_MessageDao.class.php +0 −40 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/ForumML_MessageManager.class.php +0 −44 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/Incoming/IncomingAttachment.php +0 −72 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/Incoming/IncomingMail.php +0 −65 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/Incoming/IncomingMailBody.php +0 −34 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/Incoming/IncomingMailBodyHTML.php +0 −50 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/Incoming/IncomingMailBodyText.php +0 −50 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/ListMailsController.php +0 −247 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/MessageArchiver.php +0 −231 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/OutputAttachmentController.php +0 −128 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/Plugin/MailTransportConfigurationPluginInstallRequirement.php +0 −42 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/SendMailController.php +0 −128 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/WriteMailController.php +0 −38 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/forummlPlugin.php +0 −338 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/include/forumml_utils.php +0 −550 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/jest.config.js +0 −27 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/package.json +0 −25 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/pnpm-lock.yaml +0 −306 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/scripts/cc_attach.js +0 −63 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/scripts/forumml.js +0 −55 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/scripts/new-thread.ts +0 −44 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/scripts/new-thread/po/fr_FR.po +0 −28 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/scripts/new-thread/po/pt_BR.po +0 −22 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/scripts/new-thread/src/components/App.test.ts +0 −65 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/scripts/new-thread/src/components/App.vue +0 −96 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/scripts/new-thread/src/components/CcInput.test.ts +0 −51 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/scripts/new-thread/src/components/CcInput.vue +0 −61 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/scripts/new-thread/src/components/FileInput.test.ts +0 −52 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/scripts/new-thread/src/components/FileInput.vue +0 −89 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/scripts/new-thread/src/components/__snapshots__/App.test.ts.snap +0 −37 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/scripts/new-thread/src/components/__snapshots__/CcInput.test.ts.snap +0 −27 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/scripts/new-thread/src/components/__snapshots__/FileInput.test.ts.snap +0 −40 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/scripts/new-thread/src/helpers/local-vue-for-test.ts +0 −32 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/scripts/thread.ts +0 −48 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/scripts/vue.shims.d.ts +0 −23 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/site-content/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/tuleap-forumml.po +0 −144 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/site-content/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/tuleap-forumml.po +0 −129 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/templates/new-thread-modal.mustache +0 −53 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/templates/one-thread.mustache +0 −72 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/templates/threads-empty-state.mustache +0 −90 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/templates/threads.mustache +0 −101 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/tests/unit/ForumML/ListInfoFromVariablesProviderTest.php +0 −398 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/tests/unit/ForumML/OneThread/MessageInfoToMessagePresenterConvertorTest.php +0 −303 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/tests/unit/ForumML/Threads/ThreadsControllerTest.php +0 −501 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/tests/unit/ForumML_FileStorageTest.php +0 −155 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/tests/unit/Incoming/IncomingMailParsingTest.php +0 −138 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/tests/unit/Incoming/_fixtures/samples/attachment_only.mbox +0 −238 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/tests/unit/Incoming/_fixtures/samples/forwarded_email.mbox +0 −123 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/tests/unit/Incoming/_fixtures/samples/html_with_inline_content_and_attch_in_html_only.mbox +0 −390 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/tests/unit/Incoming/_fixtures/samples/html_with_inline_content_and_attch_in_text_plus_html.mbox +0 −405 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/tests/unit/Incoming/_fixtures/samples/html_with_inline_content_in_html_only.mbox +0 −247 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/tests/unit/Incoming/_fixtures/samples/html_with_inline_content_in_text_plus_html.mbox +0 −265 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/tests/unit/Incoming/_fixtures/samples/pure_html_in_html_only.mbox +0 −49 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/tests/unit/Incoming/_fixtures/samples/pure_html_text_plus_html.mbox +0 −64 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/tests/unit/Incoming/_fixtures/samples/pure_text.mbox +0 −40 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/tests/unit/Incoming/_fixtures/samples/text_plus_attachment.mbox +0 −238 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/tests/unit/MessageArchiverTest.php +0 −69 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/tests/unit/Plugin/MailTransportConfigurationPluginInstallRequirementTest.php +0 −47 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/tests/unit/WriteMailControllerTest.php +0 −41 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/tests/unit/bootstrap.php +0 −21 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/themes/BurningParrot/css/_message.scss +0 −107 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/themes/BurningParrot/css/_new-thread.scss +0 −56 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/themes/BurningParrot/css/_thread-list.scss +0 −65 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/themes/BurningParrot/css/forumml.scss +0 −22 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/themes/css/style.scss +0 −143 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/tsconfig.json +0 −7 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/webpack.common.js +0 −65 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/ +0 −23 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/ +0 −23 Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/www/themes/default/images/ic/attach.png +- −- Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/www/themes/default/images/ic/comment.png +- −- Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/www/themes/default/images/ic/comment_add.png +- −- Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/www/themes/default/images/ic/comments.png +- −- Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/www/themes/default/images/ic/resultset_first.png +- −- Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/www/themes/default/images/ic/resultset_first_disabled.png +- −- Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/www/themes/default/images/ic/resultset_last.png +- −- Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/www/themes/default/images/ic/resultset_last_disabled.png +- −- Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/www/themes/default/images/ic/resultset_next.png +- −- Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/www/themes/default/images/ic/resultset_next_disabled.png +- −- Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/www/themes/default/images/ic/resultset_previous.png +- −- Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/www/themes/default/images/ic/resultset_previous_disabled.png +- −- Go to diff View file
D plugins/forumml/www/themes/default/images/ic/spinner-greenie.gif +- −- Go to diff View file
M plugins/mediawiki/fusionforge/Makefile.extraplugins +1 −13 Go to diff View file
M plugins/statistics/include/Statistics_DiskUsageManager.class.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M plugins/statistics/tests/integration/DiskUsagePurgerIntegrationTest.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M site-content/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/tuleap-core.po +0 −3 Go to diff View file
M site-content/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/tuleap-core.po +0 −3 Go to diff View file
D src/common/ForgeUpgrade/README.markdown +0 −109 Go to diff View file
M src/common/Mail/Codendi_Mail.class.php +1 −26 Go to diff View file
D src/utils/systemd/tmpfiles/tuleap-forumml.conf +0 −1 Go to diff View file
D src/www/include/mail_utils.php +0 −97 Go to diff View file
M tools/docker/tuleap-aio/ +0 −1 Go to diff View file
M tools/rpm/tuleap.rhel7.spec +3 −31 Go to diff View file