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Cypress: configure tracker in artidoc

part of story #38288: add a new section How to test: make tests-e2e should succeed Why? Now when user enters on a new artidoc document, he must configur the tracker before having an empty state Change-Id: I1700cef6eba199756650789f10c7881b48a5abf6

Modified Files

M plugins/artidoc/scripts/artidoc/src/components/configuration/ConfigurationPanel.vue +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M plugins/artidoc/scripts/artidoc/src/components/configuration/TrackerSelection.vue +1 −0 Go to diff View file
M plugins/artidoc/scripts/artidoc/src/views/DocumentView.vue +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M plugins/artidoc/tests/e2e/cypress/cypress/e2e/ +10 −0 Go to diff View file