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Add @comment autocompletion and helper

This is part of story #9882: TQL in follow-up comments How to test: Given you didn't write anything, when you hit Ctrl+Enter, "@comment" will be in the autocompletion list. When you start writing "com", hitting Ctrl+Enter will autocomplete with "@comment". When you start writing "@com", hitting Ctrl+Enter will autocomplete. You can select "@comment" at the top of the list of Allowed fields. Change-Id: I0f910fa578847bdabecc29d7bfc579df71aa864a

Modified Files

M plugins/tracker/templates/report/tracker-report-expert-query.mustache +1 −0 Go to diff View file
M plugins/tracker/www/scripts/TrackerReportExpertMode.js +4 −3 Go to diff View file