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request #14450: Project creation fails if template is using an unknown widget

Given you have a project that is using in db a widget that does not exist anymore, (for example the release widget that has been renamed as milestone[0]) When you are using this project as template for project creation, Then you should not get any errors about project dashboard duplication. [0] See git #tuleap/stable/173064a1b71add19e4a597cf2fe2c40362fd0169 Change-Id: I6764f61126747ddeb8a6f63d7a11c806ed855da8

Modified Files

M src/common/Dashboard/Project/ProjectDashboardDuplicator.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M tests/phpunit/common/Dashboard/Project/ProjectDashboardDuplicatorTest.php +29 −0 Go to diff View file