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feat: request #38682 Try to restart Tuleap worker services indefinitely

Instead of failing after a few try the workers will try to restart until they can stay up. This means the system can heal itself after the DB was not accessible for some time for example. The RestartSec value has been increased from the default value (100ms by default) to avoid a possible overload and because waiting a few more seconds to restart the workers is not really an issue. To test: 1. Copy the service file to /usr/lib/systemd/system/tuleap-worker@.service 2. Reload systemd with `systemctl daemon-reload` 3. Restart `tuleap` with `systemctl restart tuleap` 4. You can now simulate an issue by shuting down the DB and see the workers will try to reconnect Change-Id: Id06533733909a1cfcd248fbcc55d05751c5e8100

Modified Files

M src/utils/systemd/tuleap-worker@.service +3 −0 Go to diff View file