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feat: Have a Docker image to serve tlp-doc-v2 content

This image is expected to be put behind a reverse proxy dealing with the TLS terminaison. The image is built with Nix, this way the image will at least be updated when we bump the nixpkgs pin. Building from a Dockerfile and a `nginx` base image is likely to not be kept updated on regular basis. To test: 1. Build Storybook content with `TURBO_LOG_ORDER=grouped pnpm turbo run build-storybook --no-daemon --filter=@tuleap/tlp-doc-v2` 2. Build and start the Docker image with `docker load < $(nix-build --no-out-link ./src/scripts/tlp-doc-v2/container-image.nix) && docker run --rm -p tlp-doc-v2` 3. Go to Part of request #37211 Replace TLP-doc documentation Change-Id: Ieb8537703b7772acc86c57ee4ac77e7bfd6862ba

Modified Files

A src/scripts/tlp-doc-v2/container-image.nix +53 −0 Go to diff View file
M turbo.json +9 −0 Go to diff View file