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Burnup DAILY should store values at yesterday 23:59:59

this is part of story #10670 - continue burnup How to test: - in table plugin_agiledashboard_tracker_field_burnup_cache for the same burndown you should have : points stored at 22:59:59 points stored at 23:00:00 Example of broken burnup: id timestamp total_effort team_effort from_unixtime(timestamp) 4481 1515452399 1 0 2018-01-08 22:59:59 4481 1515538799 2 0 2018-01-09 22:59:59 4481 1515625200 3 0 2018-01-10 23:00:00 4481 1515711600 4 0 2018-01-11 23:00:00 The graph should display every points. Change-Id: I09343029c0c2c1d6954951bcb123f2d956125cfb

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M plugins/agiledashboard/include/AgileDashboard/FormElement/BurnupCacheDateRetriever.php +2 −3 Go to diff View file