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request #11289 Updating an artifact link can unuse computed values

In some cases, updating the artifact link field could move an autocomputed field from autocomputed value to manual value (for instance with remaining_effort). To reproduce the initial issue: * Need the following tracker hierarchy: Story parent of Task * Create a User Story and submit * Edit the the Linked Artifact field of the story in step 1 * Select "Child" as the Link Type and create a task * Enter a value in the "Remaing Effort" field of the task and save changes * Create another task repeating steps 3 & 4. Submit the story to save the changes * Verify that the "Remaining Effort" in the story displays the "Auto Compute" value * Now edit the Linked Artifact field of the same story used in steps above * Create a new task select "Child" as the Link Type * Enter a value in the "Remaining Effort" field of the task submit the task and the story. * Check the "Remaining Effort" field in the story (it no longer states auto compute) and check the history which now says it was changed from auto comput to ... Change-Id: I986410b73de802ef6fc687952697c223627bff9d

Modified Files

M plugins/tracker/include/Tracker/FormElement/Tracker_FormElement_Field_Computed.class.php +11 −3 Go to diff View file
M plugins/tracker/tests/Tracker_FormElement_Field_ComputedTest.php +17 −1 Go to diff View file