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Fix detection of previous authorization

Part of story #14570 Authorization grant confirmation page Issue was introduced in git How to test: - Create a new OAuth2 app in a project administration. - Access the authorization endpoint. '<client_id> and <redirect_uri> must be replaced. <redirect_uri> should be URL-encoded.<client_id>&state=xyz&response_type=code&scope=demo&redirect_uri=<redirect_uri> - Note that only the "demo" scope is requested in the URI above. - Authorize the app. - Access the authorization endpoint a second time with the same URI. You should be redirected immediately, without the form showing up. Change-Id: Ic69c9c0f9a5f31e8c0065d37507321fd5fa711e6

Modified Files

M plugins/oauth2_server/include/User/AuthorizationDao.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file