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request #17989: Forum service cannot be used with Amazon SES

The mails sent by the forum service are sent without a To header. While those sort of mails are valid, Amazon SES rejects them. Amazon SES is likely not the only service having issue with those sort of mails (and anyway it might affects a non negligible amount of users given the market share of Amazon). All the emails sent by Tuleap without a To header now gets one set to the value of sys_noreply. The same strategy was already used by the massmail tool available in the site administration, it is now generalized to all the mails. Change-Id: I321646e1927596a41ccc272dd4b5826b9d43a6ff

Modified Files

M src/common/mail/Codendi_Mail.class.php +4 −1 Go to diff View file
M src/common/system_event/include/Massmail.php +1 −4 Go to diff View file