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feat: Query for field equal empty

How to test: - Enable the feature flag: tuleap config-set feature_flag_cross_tracker_search_duck_typed_fields 1 - Set up two or three trackers with an int or float field. They must have the same shortname, for example "initial_effort". - You can write a TQL query to search artifacts where initial_effort has no value (is empty) with `initial_effort = '' `. The search should yield results. part of story #10710 search on fields with duck typing Change-Id: Ie3fdb5448a0816b4f440c71345eb72de26d97562

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M plugins/crosstracker/include/CrossTracker/Report/Query/Advanced/QueryBuilder/Field/Numeric/EqualComparisonFromWhereBuilder.php +6 −2 Go to diff View file