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request #21409 - TTM: Edit test button interactions should be consistent

In TestManagement, the `Edit test` button opens a modal to edit the test. However it is inside a `a` tag which leads to the artifact page of this test. Depending on where exactly the user clicks on the button, it will trigger one or the other, which can be confusing. This patch makes it so that left-clicking will always open the modal, and middle-clicking will open the artifact page in a new tab. It also adds `type="button"` to the test header buttons that don't submit a form and `aria-hidden="true"` to icons that should not be taken into account by assistive technologies. Change-Id: I163f68d0c3e1ca76ca6161badcbcf5aee9818959

Modified Files

M plugins/testmanagement/scripts/testmanagement/src/execution/execution-detail.tpl.html +19 −12 Go to diff View file