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feat: Match label with input

part of request #37211 Replace TLP-doc documentation How to test: pnpm --filter=tlp-doc-v2 run storybook Why? When I click on the label above an input, the input should be focused. To achieve that, we should set an "id" attribute on our inputs (and textarea) and set a "for" attribute on our labels. "id" and "for" values must be the same, and must be unique on a given page. Change-Id: Ibe33818b154723fbd23ec2a837079bfa51b5804e

Modified Files

M src/scripts/tlp-doc-v2/stories/TLP/buttons-switch/button-bars/tlp-button-bar.stories.ts +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M src/scripts/tlp-doc-v2/stories/TLP/forms/inputs/tlp-input.stories.ts +3 −3 Go to diff View file
M src/scripts/tlp-doc-v2/stories/TLP/forms/radios/tlp-radio.stories.ts +6 −6 Go to diff View file
M src/scripts/tlp-doc-v2/stories/TLP/forms/textareas/tlp-textarea.stories.ts +3 −3 Go to diff View file