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Apply design feedback vol.3

Part of story #10408 - have a burning parrot git repository list How to test: --> Pull request badge has a transition 100ms when it's hovered. It should be smoother. --> The calendar icon in ActionBar is smaller and vertically aligned - Open the creation modal - Enter some text - Click on the cancel button - Reopen the modal --> The modal has been reset - Open the creation modal - Enter some text - Click on the cross in the top right corner - Reopen the modal --> The modal has been reset - Open the creation modal - Enter some text - Click on the backdrop (the opac area behind the modal) - Reopen the modal --> The modal has been reset Change-Id: I371f3b38c4a1dd3ab8895f3abda787d74b3e6d1a

Modified Files

M plugins/git/www/scripts/repositories/src/components/GitRepositoryCreate.vue +5 −2 Go to diff View file
M plugins/git/www/themes/BurningParrot/css/repositories/_repositories.scss +7 −0 Go to diff View file
M plugins/git/www/themes/BurningParrot/css/repositories/_repository-card.scss +1 −1 Go to diff View file