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Add missing test for aria-label plural

This is a mix of two commits that are been done in parallel: git #tuleap/stable/db4dcf9e40f0ec209dac8a9cee516f1de45af17c git #tuleap/stable/922910a2b49292b1c80936febd30683e374e7538 Since both are now merged, we can complete the test coverage about $ngettext usage for aria-label. Part of: story #14151 Update the assigned-to semantic of a card Change-Id: I238091b37e32f1045760b6289b1cf59c1b37c8f9

Modified Files

M plugins/taskboard/scripts/taskboard/src/components/TaskBoard/Body/Swimlane/Card/CardAssignees.test.ts +15 −1 Go to diff View file