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Add "full" format for the users/:id/membership REST route

This is part of story #14018 have a central management of users and groups using oauth This is the first part of the improvement which make faster the user connection in a Jenkins server when the server use the Tuleap Authentication plugin. How to test: - In the API Explorer, you can test the users/:id/membership with the self id and choose the 'full' format and the 'project' scope => A list of User group reprensation is returned. - Try the route without the 'project' scope => It should return an error Change-Id: I7434061d1e769b8fd11ae3d3bed4e2b311464b17

Modified Files

M src/common/User/REST/v1/UserResource.php +66 −14 Go to diff View file
M tests/rest/tests/UsersTest.php +37 −0 Go to diff View file