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Always retrieve the current version of the test

Part of story #11390 have base of steps across the stack - Via TTM UI, create a new test in a campaign. - Via trackers, edit this tests (change title, description, or steps). - Go back to TTM UI. The campaign displays the previous version of the test. - Pass/fail/block the test in TTM. The test must still be displayed with the previous version. - Via TTM UI, edit the test. In the modal you get the latest version. Add some content and submit. Now the test is displayed in its brand new version. So fresh and so clean clean! Change-Id: I04dc015987dba415c0cc02c3f8fbd7e9dbc07849

Modified Files

M include/TestManagement/REST/v1/ExecutionRepresentationBuilder.php +13 −3 Go to diff View file