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feat: Disable Program when Backlog is enabled and feature flag is on

How to test: - Enable the feature flag: `tuleap config-set feature_flag_activate_split_kanban_for_project 1` - Set up a project with no Backlog configuration: create a new project from tracker template, then go to project admin > Services and enable the Backlog service - In the Services admin, you cannot enable the Program service. The message explains that it is because the Backlog service is also enabled. - If you disable the Backlog service, you should be allowed to enable the Program service again. - If you disable the feature flag, the rules are the same as before: you are allowed to have AgileDashboard service (for Kanbans) and Program service at the same time. Notes: Program Service will be blocked when Backlog Service is enabled, because now Project Backlog empty state allows to "start scrum". If someone enables Program, and then enables Backlog, they can "start scrum", but they should not be allowed to do that (it was blocked by various Events for Agile Dashboard). We could just prevent the "start scrum" button, but it would result in a service that is always empty. It makes no sense, so we should "just" base the decision on the Backlog service itself. The Agile Dashboard service was allowed only for Kanbans, all the rest was disabled by various Events. Now that the two are split, we should base the decision on the Backlog Service itself instead of its configuration. part of story #33979 have dedicated Backlog service Change-Id: I5e9cb5fbdf6804d2f1079ce12d7afe246c4076eb

Modified Files

A plugins/program_management/include/Adapter/BacklogPlugin/ProgramServiceBlocker.php +89 −0 Go to diff View file
D plugins/program_management/include/Adapter/Workspace/ScrumBlocksServiceVerifier.php +0 −45 Go to diff View file
M plugins/program_management/include/Domain/Service/ProjectServiceBeforeActivationHandler.php +7 −8 Go to diff View file
M plugins/program_management/include/Domain/Service/ServiceDisabledCollectorHandler.php +7 −8 Go to diff View file
R plugins/program_management/include/Domain/Workspace/VerifyScrumBlocksServiceActivation.php Go to diff View file
M plugins/program_management/include/program_managementPlugin.php +17 −8 Go to diff View file
M plugins/program_management/site-content/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/tuleap-program_management.po +17 −3 Go to diff View file
M plugins/program_management/site-content/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/tuleap-program_management.po +12 −2 Go to diff View file
M plugins/program_management/tests/deptrac/program_management_domain.yml +8 −1 Go to diff View file
A plugins/program_management/tests/unit/Adapter/BacklogPlugin/ProgramServiceBlockerTest.php +117 −0 Go to diff View file
D plugins/program_management/tests/unit/Adapter/Workspace/ScrumBlocksServiceVerifierTest.php +0 −62 Go to diff View file
M plugins/program_management/tests/unit/Domain/Service/ProjectServiceBeforeActivationHandlerTest.php +40 −48 Go to diff View file
M plugins/program_management/tests/unit/Domain/Service/ServiceDisabledCollectorHandlerTest.php +28 −27 Go to diff View file
R plugins/program_management/tests/unit/Stub/VerifyScrumBlocksServiceActivationStub.php Go to diff View file