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Retrieve Mirrored Iterations trackers

part of story #21368 create mirrored iteration How to test: - Make sure your redis worker is running - Run `tuleap config-set feature_flag_program_management_display_iteration 1` to enable iterations. 1. If you have already made tests for this story, you can trigger a redis event for an existing PI with Iterations linked to it: - Enter the redis-cli in your redis container: $ docker exec -it tuleap_redis_1 redis-cli - Push a message to the events queue manually: > LPUSH 'app_user_events' '{"event_name":"tuleap.program_management.program_increment.update","payload":{"program_increment_id":6269,"user_id":110,"changeset_id":13408,"iterations":[{"id":6317,"changeset_id":13403},{"id":6318,"changeset_id":13404}]}}' Change the ids above according to your setup. You can get changeset_id in the Artifact View, there is a data-changeset-id attribute. 2. Otherwise, if you don't have pre-wired artifacts: - Edit a Program Increment artifact and add one or more artifact links with _is_child type to Iteration artifacts. 3. With either method 1. or 2., log messages will be added to "program_management_syslog" for each iteration and each Team: [debug] Mirrored Iteration tracker: <tracker label> The log messages only exist for testing purposes, to show that we retrieve teams' mirrored iteration trackers. They will be removed on next commits. Change-Id: I564e708bbc0aae23977af9509f72ddb1a31225a8

Modified Files

M plugins/program_management/include/Adapter/Program/Backlog/AsynchronousCreation/IterationCreationProcessorBuilder.php +4 −2 Go to diff View file
M plugins/program_management/include/Domain/Program/Backlog/AsynchronousCreation/IterationCreationProcessor.php +19 −4 Go to diff View file
M plugins/program_management/tests/unit/Domain/Program/Backlog/AsynchronousCreation/IterationCreationProcessorTest.php +7 −1 Go to diff View file