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Document administrator user group does not exist anymore

The group has been dropped while removing the document manager v1 (see commit 7c19e75d2bed8e1aa436c6b6552f1db23c8bc065) but one instance has been left behind. It should also be removed when you request the dynamic ugroups of a user otherwise you will get notices like: Notice: Undefined index: UGROUP_DOCUMENT_ADMIN in /usr/share/tuleap/src/www/project/admin/ugroup_utils.php on line 194 This is part of request #10391: Remove documentation manager v1 Change-Id: I6b3dcc626dded1dfae64ae868bd99f1b3b6ca794

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M src/www/project/admin/ugroup_utils.php +0 −1 Go to diff View file