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At user creation, do not check system users and groups if unix users are

disabled Should close request #25726 Change Tuleap behavior for unix users How to test : With unix users enabled : - add a user in file system - try to create a user with the same login --> you should have the error "Login name already exists." --> with user from ldap or openid, login is incremented - try to create a user with numeric login --> not possible With unix users disabled : - add a user in file system - try to create a user with the same login --> no problem --> with user from ldap or openid, login is the same Change-Id: I06db1b8c964265a95b7713f72827f8d219a63351

Modified Files

M src/common/valid/Rule_UserName.php +12 −1 Go to diff View file
M tests/unit/common/valid/Rule_UserNameIntegrationTest.php +69 −10 Go to diff View file