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Fix fatal error on account ยป security

If you are a user that never fails to login, then you should not get a fatal error on account ยป security page. This was due to DateHelper::formatForLanguage() which returns null in that case (and mustache fails). Bonus: - rename the pane title to "Access history", - group "successful login" properties, - remove useless nb last login failure. The nb last login failure is useless: - This number increases each time the user fails to login. - It is set to 0 as soon as the user logins successfully. - => it is always 0 => it is useless for the end user. Part of story #14552: User preferences goes Burning Parrot Change-Id: I0764bf581922b36b864fbc0b141f42c8d0ce16dc

Modified Files

M site-content/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/tuleap-core.po +4 โˆ’4 Go to diff View file
M src/common/User/Account/SecurityPresenter.php +7 โˆ’7 Go to diff View file
M src/common/User/Account/templates/security/access.mustache +5 โˆ’9 Go to diff View file