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Fix edit Kanban modal

To test : go to the Agile Dashboard in the cardwall of a Kanban, then edit the Kanban. The modal should look like TLP modals : - The close icon has changed - The text info is now in the modal body instead of modal header - The deletion button is now a btn-danger - The modal footer keeps the same behavior than before story #9839 Bootstrap 2 TLP theme Change-Id: Ib91b0182eb7d9a5764ba41b5f567241ebdf4b7ca

Modified Files

M plugins/agiledashboard/www/js/kanban/src/app/edit-kanban/edit-kanban.tpl.html +5 −5 Go to diff View file
M src/www/themes/FlamingParrot/css/utils/_bootstrap-overrides.scss +4 −0 Go to diff View file